Mike Barton - Projects

Form Data Manager - Help


The screenshots below are annotated to assist you to understand how this MODX Extra should work.


I have started by showing the standard pages that are provided with the MODX Extras Formz & FormIt.  FormDataManager works with data saved from forms using both of these Extras.

Use these to check that you have stored data for your forms that can be exported using FormDataManager.


If you are using the Formz Extra in your site then you should see a screen similar to this with details of the forms defined and information on the submissions.  The FormDataManager Formz tab will show similar information in a slightly different format - see below.

Standard Formz Forms


There is also a submissions page similar to this one:



If you use FormIt and the FormItFormSave Extra as a hook to your forms then data will be saved in the FormIt table and will show on the FormIt page similar to this:



The next 3 screenshots are the different tabs of the main page of FormDataManager. Note - tabs only show for the form Extra(s) you have installed.

This is the Formz tab:

This is the FormIt tab:

 This is the tab for Custom Tables (requires FormIt and a database hook e.g. FormIt2db):

When adding a Form Table the dialog that opens will show any non MODX system tables that exist in the database.  This will include any other tables installed byother MODX Extras, it is recommended only to use those tables that relate to stored form data as other tables may contain encrypted and formatted data that will not export correctly.


The next 2 pages are common sub-pages to each of the FormDataManager tabs.


The Define Layout page:

If you wish to reset a layout you can delete the stored one and save a new version, by default the fields listed are from the latest 10 records saved for the form.


The View/Export page:

The form data is listed and can be paged through to view content, currently there is no individual record viewer, it is intended that FormDataManager is primarily an export generation tool and the data can then be manipulated by an external application.  The export creates a CSV file, in the future other formats may be added.




